The aim of this work was to develop a new, automated method for the detection of solid-liquid phase transitions in the presence of high-pressure carbon dioxide. This is allowed because of the dissolution of the medium in the sample during the solid-liquid-gas equilibrium measurement. The pressure of an empty reference cell and one containing a solid sample is compared by a differential pressure transmitter. A gradual heating program is conducted after their equal pressurization. The solid-liquid transition of the sample is marked by a sharp decrease in the pressure of the sample holder (compared to the reference cell). A processing algorithm for the recorded time – temperature – pressure-difference data was implemented, to determine the melting temperature range accurately and automatically. The apparatus was validated with racemic ibuprofen and benzoic acid, and provides a new, objective, and easy-to-automate alternative to determine the melting temperature in high-pressure carbon dioxide.


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Corresponding author: Márton Kőrösi