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  • Automated isochore pressure-temperature data collection of organic solvent mixtures

    The data of phase equilibria is required for high-pressure process design. Carbon dioxide is frequently modified with organic solvents or solvent mixtures. The effect of these modifiers are usually estimated with computational methods from the behaviour of binery mixture of the solvents from measured data. 

  • Carbon dioxide

    Research topics are related to the use of carbon dioxide as an extractive agent and reaction medium, also there are opportunities to take part in thermodinamic modelling and measurement of phase equilibria. 

  • Experimental Determination of a Chiral Ternary Solubility Diagram and Its Interpretation in Gas Antisolvent Fractionation

    In this research,  the solubility diagram of a chiral ternary system and its application during enantiomeric enrichment was investigated at atmospheric pressure and in supercritical carbon dioxide.

  • Szén-dioxid

    Jelenlegi kutatási témáink közé tartozik a szén-dioxid extrakció ágensként, reakciós közegként való alkalmazása, emellett lehetőség van termodinamikai fázisegyensúlyi modellezési és mérési kutatásokba is bekapcsolódni. 

A new, automated method for the investigation of melting point depression under carbon dioxide pressure

In our research group an device was developed that is suitable for accurate, cost- and time-efficient automated detection of the melting temperature in a high pressure carbon dioxide atmosphere.

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Continuous Stripping with Dense Carbon Dioxide

In the research group,  a continuous stripper has been developed, which enables controllable solvent remove from dilute solutions with the help of high-pressure carbon dioxide. 

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Experimental Determination of a Chiral Ternary Solubility Diagram and Its Interpretation in Gas Antisolvent Fractionation

In this research,  the solubility diagram of a chiral ternary system and its application during enantiomeric enrichment was investigated at atmospheric pressure and in supercritical carbon dioxide.

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